HCAC systems have become an essential part of the lives these days. However, they need vent cleaning to ensure a healthy environment and clean air. Vent cleaning Madison Wisconsin is offered by professionals and it is up to the users whether they want to hire professionals or carry out the task themselves.
If you are going to do it yourself, below given are the air duct cleaning steps that you can follow.
Steps to clean the duct
Start with opening the air duct cover and also return the air grill plates. then follow the below steps.
Cover the supply vents
First, you should cover the vent with paper towels so that the dirt and dust does not blow in the air. Just, lift the vent and place a towel between the floor or wall and the vent cover. Hold the vent until you remove all the screws back and clean every air vent.
“Fan on” the thermostat
When you clean the vent with a towel, some dust is not removed. So, use the fan to remove the loosen dust. Keep in mind that not to start the thermostat on the cool and heat mode. Start the thermostat on the “fan-only” mode.
Loosen the duct dust
Loosen the buildup dust in the duct. You need to loosen the dust stuck inside the duct with a light tapping. Just take a brush handle and start tapping the ductwork in the basement. So, you can easily clean the dampened dust.
Clean the supply register
Start cleaning the dust in the supply register using a vacuum cleaner. Catch the dust with the hose. You should use the brush to clean any build-up dust. To clean the interior side of the duct, you should use a damp microfiber cloth.
Clean return air boot and blower compartment
First, you should power off the furnace. Then open the panel from the front side of the furnace and reach the return air boot and the blower compartment. Then, clean them with a vacuum.
Change the filter
A clogged HVAC filter cannot give complete benefit of the cleaning task. So, you should replace it with a new one.